Pierre-Yves Gousenbourger

Engineer in Applied Mathematics, Ph.D.

Engineer in Applied Mathematics, Ph.D.

Applied maths, Ph.D. Ir

Unidimensional Bézier fitting on manifolds

The natural next step after developping interpolation techniques on manifolds is to relax the interpolation constraint. I'm now interested in fast Bézier techniques to fit a curve $\gamma \in \mathcal{M}$ to manifold-valued data points $d_0,\dots,d_n \in \mathcal{M}$ associated to time-stamps $t_0,\dots,t_n$ where $t_i = i \in \mathbb{Z}$.

An application of this project concerns wind field estimation for unmanned aerial vehicule (UAV) control (drones, if you prefer). In that application the wind field can be characterized by a covariance matrix of rank r, represented in the manifold of SDP matrices of size p and rank r ($\mathcal{S}_+(p,r)$). However, computing such a matrix for a given prevalent wind orientation $\theta_i$ requires time-consumable numerical simulations. Therefore, give a bench of $n$ covariance matrices $C(\theta(i))$, therefore, there is an interrest in finding a fitting a curve $\gamma(\theta(t)): [0,n-1] \to \mathcal{S}_+(p,r)$ with a fast a numerically efficient method.

A first approach was presented at the ESANN2017 conference, as a joint work with Estelle Massart (UCL, Belgium) and Antoni Musolas (MIT, USA). That approach modifies the previous work on interpolation and thus still provides elegant and fast solutions in closed form.

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Bidimensional Bézier interpolation on manifolds

In this project, we receive a set of data points evaluated on a Riemannian manifold $\mathcal{M}$ (for instance the space of matrices of rotation like in the picture; or the sphere). These points $p_{ij}$ are time-labeled, so associated to time-stamps $(t_1^i,t_2^j)$ organised on a regular rectangular grid $D$.

Based on these points, the goal of the game is to propose a smooth (i.e. $C^1$) surface of Bézier $$\mathfrak{B}: D \to \mathcal{M}: (t_1,t_2) \mapsto \mathfrak{B}(t_1,t_2)$$ such that the data points are interpolated by the surface, meaning $\mathfrak{B}(t_1^i, t_2^j) = p_{ij}$.

This task is very well understood when the space is Euclidean, but quite less when points live on a nonlinear manifold. It is also a generalization of my master thesis.

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Unidimensional Bézier interpolation on manifolds

This project was my master thesis lead in 2013 under Pierre-Antoine Absil's supervision. We receive a set of data points $p_0,\dots,p_n \in \mathcal{M}$ associated to time-stamps $t_0,\dots,t_n$ where $t_i = i \in \mathbb{Z}$. The goal of the project is to find a curve $\gamma$ such that the curve is smooth and looks "nice". Furthermore, we constraint the curve to interpolate the data points as $\gamma(t_i) = p_i$. This problem finds place in medical imaging and in volume reconstruction based on MRI.

With Pierre-Antoine, we investigated on manifold-valued Bézier functions and on the usability of the De Casteljau algorithm in such situations. At the end of the day, we obtained that curves can be computed from a simple linear (Euclidean !) system resolution.

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Research groups

I'm part of the following research group: