Pierre-Yves Gousenbourger

Engineer in Applied Mathematics, Ph.D.

Engineer in Applied Mathematics, Ph.D.

Applied maths, Ph.D. Ir

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Bidimensional interpolation with Bézier spline

We are given a set of data points in the Euclidean space associated with two timestamps (m,n) organised on a regular grid. These timestamps give the order in which points must be interpolated. In this problem, for visualization convenience and without loss of generality, the (x,y) value of the data points correspond to the regular grid (m,n) and the z-value is randomly chosen. The points are organized in a 2D-cell corresponding to the order of interpolation.

From these data points, the goal here is to draw a 2d-Bézier spline interpolating those in a $C^1$ way. For this, you can use our code here, general for manifolds. The possible manifolds are the Euclidean space, the sphere and the special orthogonal group SO(3).

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Unidimensional interpolation with hybrid composite Bézier curves

We are given a set of data points in the Euclidean space associated with a timestamp $t_i \in \mathbb{Z}$. We would like to compute a composite Bézier curve that interpolates the data points $d_i$ at time $t_i$. In this problem, we try to interpolate four data points $d_i \in \mathbb{S}^2$, the unit sphere. These points are places such that they represent a triangle.

To fit the curve $\mathfrak{B}(t): [0,3] \to \mathbb{S}^2$, you can use our code here, general for manifolds. The possible manifolds are the Euclidean space, the sphere, the special orthogonal group SO(3),... actually all manifolds you can find in Manopt are operational. It is however mandatory to add manopt to your working path. The zip file hereunder contains an old version of Manopt for consistency. You can download the last version of Manopt here (recommended) : www.manopt.org.

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The code provided here is copyright and distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3 (or later).

In short, this means that everyone is free to use the provided code, to modify it and to redistribute it on a free basis. However, this code is not in the public domain; it is copyrighted and there are restrictions on its distribution (see the license and the related frequently asked questions). For example, you cannot integrate this version of the code (in full or in parts) in any closed-source software you plan to distribute (commercially or not). Please contact me for more information.

This section was inspired by the very good Gabriel Peyré's Numerical Tours.